Sunday, December 14, 2008

A new Blue Dog

I enjoy rethinking art that already exists. Art is always derivative of the world around us. To say "original" is an oxy moron (did I say that right?), yet we all have a uniqueness that is unlike anyone else. Here's a new blue dog. This time bandit from the old Jonny Quest gets a blue treatment. Thank you George Rodrigue for the inspiration.


That Guy said...

HEY I am really liking your blog.. I am a follower now, and I have added your feed to a Page I have created called MASS AFFECTED. It is an attempt to connect more of the bloggers to one another. I hope you don't mind. Let me know if I need to remove the post! Thanks .. see you soon!

Charlie C Rose said...

Hey That Guy! THANK YOU so much. I am happy to have you as a follower. I appreciate being connected to you and like-minded as well. Have a great day! Charlie

Charlie C Rose said...

You really made my day!-cr

jiggins said...

This is cool man. what medium did you do this with? or is it all computer edited? Either way, fun stuff.

Charlie C Rose said...

THANK YOU much man. Admittedly it's Photoshop but it took a while to learn how to work it so it looks like oils. very fun tho...less messy than the old school way. (tho I'm def. not opposed).Thank you again! -cr

Fixinto said...

Hey ! I dabble in photoshop myself.. what actions did you use to achieve the oil painting look? great stuff.

Charlie C Rose said...

Hey! Thank you for saying that. I'd guess by your name "Fixinto" you might be from the South. ;)

Actually it's quite simple. Turn your pencil or brush opaqueness down to 30% or so. Adjust to your taste when you overlap the painting. Basically, when it looks like oils, STOP. You can also, diffuse it a little with a blur tool, but even the slightest adjustments may ruin the cool hand-painted effect. I'd love to see your work. good luck!