I have no idea what to write here. So rather than set myself up for a blog that doesn't match its description, I'll let the blog define itself. How's that?
Thanks for visiting Robot Nine. Yeah, Rodrigue and the Blue Dog, I'm from Louisiana so I saw a lot of the ole Blue Dog over the years. Blue Dog is cool but I was chatting the other day about the Blue Man Group and there was a concencus that they were just creepy and nobody could categorize what they do or why they should go see them. What do you think? Alan
is a Dallas-based artist, writer and business partner of Dan Peeler at Peeler-Rose Productions.In his spare time enjoys product research,Mid-Century Modern design, movies, museums, modern art and tiki culture.
Thanks for visiting Robot Nine. Yeah, Rodrigue and the Blue Dog, I'm from Louisiana so I saw a lot of the ole Blue Dog over the years. Blue Dog is cool but I was chatting the other day about the Blue Man Group and there was a concencus that they were just creepy and nobody could categorize what they do or why they should go see them. What do you think? Alan
Yeah, I too spent some time in New Orleans when I was younger.. I remember this guy. Cool stuff!
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